• Your Name (required):
• Your Email (required):
• Your Phone Number:
• Brand: Apple
• Model:
• Year:
• Serial Number (Not sure? Click here for help):
• Does it turn on and start up normally? yesnonot sure
• Does it have any operational and/or cosmetic damage or issues? (If so, please describe.)
yesnonot sure
• Does it have normal minor wear and tear? (If so, describe any dents/dings/cracks, missing parts, etc.)
yesnonot sure
• Does the battery hold a normal charge still?
yesnonot sure
• Will you be including a working charger, and is it free from any damage including fraying, exposed wires, duct tape, yellow or dark stains, etc.? yesnonot sure
• Please upload up to three (3) photos/screenshots of your Mac below
* Acceptable file types: .jpg or .png
* File size max: 5MB per photo. If you have additional photos or yours are too large, please email them separately to steve@1macguy.com and let us know if you already submitted your answers on this page!
• I certify that this is my Mac to use or sell as I wish (Initial here please, required)
(All buyback estimates are subject to in-person diagnostics and inspection before any quote can be confirmed, denied, or adjusted. We reserve the right to refuse buybacks for any reason.)